Buy Counterfeit AUD online

300,00 $6.000,00 $

Security Thread, Raised Printing, Micro Printing, Portrait Watermark, Color Shifting ink, Pen test Passed, Dimension and thickness same as that of original bills, Different serial numbers, Bills come treated already, Bills are aged before shipping, Bills pass through ATM machines, Can be used in Casinos, stores, gas stations. Buy counterfeit AUD bills


Buy Counterfeit AUD online

Imitation currency, commonly referred to as counterfeit money, is created without legal approval from the government or state. The main purpose of producing fake currency is to deceive its recipient by imitating genuine currency. Utilizing or producing counterfeit money is a forgery or form of fraud. The business of counterfeiting has existed for centuries; even Western coins, such as Lydian coins, have been duplicated through the use of plated copies. Before paper currency, the most common counterfeiting methods involved incorporating base metals with pure gold or silver. There are also instances where legitimate printers produce documents in response to fraudulent instructions to carry out counterfeiting. During World War II, Nazis created counterfeit British pounds and American dollars, which led to several issues. Recently, there have been incidents where Euro coins and notes have been counterfeited, but lower than US dollar counterfeiting. Furthermore, counterfeit banks notes that resemble actual US currency at an exceptional level are called Superdollars.

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